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We’re committed to playing our part in creating a more sustainable future with furniture that lasts, because quality is at the heart of everything we do. As one of Australia and New Zealand’s largest furniture retailers, we know we can make a difference. We are currently working to deliver our first three-year roadmap, which includes goals and 34 initiatives across three focus areas.
We are at the start of our journey, and we know change won’t happen overnight, but we’re committed to continuously improving and sharing our journey with you. Here, we share some of the work underway to start our journey, and what’s to come.
We're working towards more sustainable sources across our production, materials and resources.
We’re working to reduce the amount of packaging we use, increase the use of recycled content and improve packaging recyclability.
We're working to find ways to have less impact on the environment and establish ways to measure our progress, so we stay on track.
At Freedom, we believe sustainability is about working collectively to invest in the future of our planet, while continuing to deliver the highest quality products. Together, we can enact real change by making more considered decisions, and we hope you join us.
Want to chat sustainability with us? We'd love to hear your feedback on our plan, or any ideas you may have for how we can influence change. Get in touch with us at sustainability@freedom.com.au or sustainabilitytracker.com to follow our progress.