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Designing your bedroom is a creative, exciting task and it should be a space that promotes relaxation as well as reflects your personality. Start planning by browsing our bedroom range to choose a bed and other furniture pieces that will create the basis of your special spot.

The first item you will want to pick is your bed. Smaller rooms may benefit from one of the innovative gas-lift storage beds. These clever designs function perfectly for sleep but are able to lift right up to reveal a generous area to store blankets, throws and cushions when not in use. Lucky owners of a large bedroom who don’t need the additional space can select a standard bed in a large size like king or super king – perfect for big families who love to gather together for a cuddle.

Decide on the look of the room you want to create before selecting the bed base and design. Nature-lovers who are after a rustic, organic feel will love wood base beds with an airy, rail thin bedhead design and tapered legs. If you’re after something more contemporary and plush, choose a model with an upholstered bedhead with clean, rounded lines.

If you don’t want a specific design, you can choose from our bed bases and ensembles range. These simple bases are affordable, durable and can simply be topped with a mattress of your choice. Pick one that is the correct size, right for your sleeping style and any allergies you may have. We offer both AH Beard Domino and our very own Freedom-made options that are hypoallergenic, have spring and memory foam structures as well as technology to regulate temperature.

Lastly, complete your room with a few special pieces from our bedroom furniture range. Tallboys are excellent in smaller spaces as they are narrow but still offer generous storage. Add a bedside table on either side of the bed and a bed end at the foot of the bed for extra storage. Add the finishing touches to your bedroom, with our range of Bed Linen. With incredibly soft materials like bamboo cotton and linen blends you will be dreaming in no time.


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Beds, Mattress, Bedroom Furniture, Bedding, Bed Linen, Kids Furniture, Best Selling Bedroom