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Kids Desks

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Kids Desks information

Even if they have just started school, kids need a space they can draw, do their homework and later on, study for tests and exams. The right desk and desk chair is important for comfort and for posture and is a great spot for kids to store their textbooks and stationery.

Setting up the work area takes some consideration. Natural light is important for easy reading but placing the desk right next to the window can be distracting for kids. Place the desk and chair in a cosy corner and ensure there is enough light by choosing a table lamp that fits the room’s décor. Another great choice for additional lighting is a floor lamp. These lamps will give the study area more light but won’t take up space on the desk surface.

Size is everything when choosing your kid’s desk. The desk needs to be comfortable for your child at the age and size he or she is right now. Make sure the desk and chair are ergonomically correct so that your child doesn’t have to hunch over their project or stretch too far to reach things.

To make studying and learning fun, let the desk and how you style it reflect your child’s personality. While toys shouldn’t clutter the work space, you can choose little details to make the area fun and comfortable. Choose a character cushion for younger kids as padding on the chair or toss a throw over the back of it to keep laps warm in winter.


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