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Outdoor Accessories

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Outdoor Accessories information

You have the furniture, the rugs and the cushions – but your outdoor area doesn’t seem quite complete. It’s time to choose a couple of special details to add personality, visual interest and style to the space through outdoor accessories.  

Using mirrors outdoors is a clever way to make smaller spaces look bigger and to reflect the greenery and foliage of the garden back to your guests. The obvious spot to hang your mirror on a patio will be on the largest wall behind your outdoor couch. Oversized mirrors with an interesting design work well here. Choose a grid design for a French countryside flavour, making it both practical and decorative. Another great idea is to collect a few arched mirrors and lean them on a counter on your deck. Flank these pieces with bright artificial potted flowers.

Ambient lighting is a must for those divine summer evenings and the classic lantern is a tasteful way to achieve it. Choose a simple timber design with a glass base for candles which you can place at staggered intervals along a garden path, creating a fairy-tale effect. Table lanterns shed light to dine by and also add lovely touches to mantles and shelves. Add scented candles for that special outside gathering.