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Placemats & Napkins

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Placemats & Napkins information

The quickest, easiest way to style a table in a simple but impactful way is with gorgeous placemats and napkins. Browse our collection to select the right material, colours and shapes that will suit your dining style and get ready to host your family and friends.

The placemat and napkin combination is ideal for outdoor dining as it isn’t fussy but looks smart and well considered. For these al fresco lunches and brunches, look at placemats that have texture like a woven jute or bamboo. This raw, natural look suits the garden beautifully and creates a relaxed but on-trend look. We love a round shape in this material to copy the lines of dinner plates, soup bowls and side plates. Choose a napkin set that complements this organic feel, like a thick linen or cotton and thread them through beautiful, heavy napkin rings for a polished but welcoming place setting.

More formal meals indoors can also be styled with placemats. Choose a glamorous option for dinner parties like cork mats with fancy finishes. Hard material placemats can create a modern look for tables. If your choice is a lighter colour, make a statement with a darker napkin placed over the centre with cutlery set on top. A strong, edgy look is easy to make with black placemats. Keep the rest of styling simple with lots of glass, some greenery and loads of candles for a monochrome but chic finish.